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Image by Jon Flobrant

 Water Filtration Outdoor Bushcraft

Types Of Purfication Methods Include:

 *Reverse Osmosis

* Distillation 

* Gravity Filters

* Ultraviolet (UV)

* Boiling

* Chorination

* Solar Purification

* Clay Vesell Filtration

 * Desalination


Field Techniques For Water Treatment

Common intestinal pathogens are ready inactivatedby heat. Microorganisms are killed in a shorter time at a higher temptures, but temperatures as low 140 deg are effective when a longer contact time is used. Pasteurization uses this principl to kil foodborne enteric pathogens & spoilage-causing organisms at temptures between 140 F & 158 F 

well below the boiling point of water212 F. Boiling is not nessary to kill common intestinal pathogens, but boiling is the only easily recognizable end point that does not require a thermometer. All organisms , except bacterial spores are killed within seconds at boiling temptures. Any waterbrought to boil "should" be adequately disinfected. Boil a full minute


Outdoor Water Filtration Systems

* Pump water filters

* Water purification tablets or drops

* UV lights

* Straw water filters

* Counter top water purification systems 

* Water distillers

* Boiling water

* Water filter pitchers

           Water Contaminated

Water contaminated with bactera & viruses and 

parasites can sometimes look clean,which is why it is important to know whether to know the source of water, if  and how it has been treated, and whether it is safe before drinking it. Bottled water can be an easy option, but it also important to know where your bottled water comes from and how it has been treated, especially when traveling in remote locations. Young children, pregnant women, older adults and people with weeekened immune systems may be more liklely to become more infected if exposed to contaminated water.

     8 Basic Types of Water Filters

 Thier are 8 Basic types of water filters.

 1. Pump Filters

 2. Gravity Filters

 3. Ultraviolet (UV)

 4. Bottle Filters.

 5. Squeeze Filters.

 6. Straw - Style.

 7. Chemicals.

 8. Boiling.


Image by Leo Rivas

Water treatment tips & best practices

Separate and clearly designate dirty and clean containers pay close attention to directions of a particular product all clearly stated steps to avoid cross contamination (introducing nontreated water into your treated water. Seek treatment out clean water because sediment impairs treatment effectiveness if only murky water is available, use a prefilter or allow sediment to settle from your gathered water. Keep your hands clean by packing hand sanitizer with you on your journey to keep your hands clean.      

Image by Jack B

         The Role of a Prefilter

Different factors can murk up your water in different ways, such as glacial sediment, silty water, leaf debris and mud stirred up by the rainstorm. Natural particles, though not a health concern, impact how easy water is to treat, how much maintenance is required and the life span of filter elements one way to deal with these issues is to prefilter a prefilter simply means is to filter your water which may contain large numbers of Debree in it to help to improve the treatment process.   

Image by Juan Davila

      Freezing or Snow Conditions

Melting snow is your best bet. filters that can freeze and maybe crack can be stored with you overnight in your sleeping bag, though that might not help if daytime temps remain below freezing plus many chemicals' effectiveness' diminishes in the cold. Always read directions carefully for anything that you may consider.

Image by Ali Inay
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