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The 5 W"S of wilderness survival


1. Wind 2. Water. 3. Windowmakers. 4. Wood. 5. Wildlife.

Image by Jack Prommel


You will probably need wood to build a shelter and you will also need wood to build a fire it is good for also fashioning new tools including spears, containers, utensils, etc. ensure that you have a good supply of wood around your location before setting up a camp. When setting up a camp a good location is critical 



Is the upmost importance when you choose a location for your campsite and also keep in mind that you need to dress in accordance with your environment that surround's you it can greatly affect your core temperature. Before construction of any shelter its needed to know in which the direction of the wind that blowing? A primary function it to a shelter is to block the wind and keep you warm from the elements outdoors.



It is important to think about water in 2 different ways thinking about the location & positioning of water will determine where a shelter should be set up. You definitely do not want to be in a position where water can collect near or run through that area in case of a bad storm walk about the grounds or camp keep your eye out for ground erosion look for leaves and dirt that look like that it was pushed unnaturally in a specific direction would be sign of water runoff.



Dead trees from above are DEADLY! Falling branches could impale individuals unknowing while you're at sleep or doing camp chores. It is essential to always look high above and below for dangers. You can see trees that could be rotted or decayed at the base of the tree or at the tops of the trees surrounding you see if the trees look normal above and below I think that windowmakers are one of the most dangerous of all often times the height of the trees can be totally underestimated the direction of the fall is unknown. The higher up the smaller the branches look small please do not be fooled having fun and being safe is the key.



Animals could cause difficulties for individuals who are camping. Depending on the geographical locations dangerous animals lurk about in the area you need education about which animals could be within the area of travel be on the lookout for signs before the setup of camp. Look for game trails are all signs of animal activity! like tracks, scat. ALWAYS properly secure your food is always a very high importance if animals are or could be in the area.



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