Types Of Hunting Traps & Snares
Carefully select sites where when traps or snares are used are set to avoid capturing non-target animals are always the best practice in my opinion.
Trappers may target a wide variety of fur-bearing animals all across the landscape, using very specialized tools & equipment on the trapline. Just look into the bed of the trapper`s pickup truck & trying to figure out which item does what & where`s it`s used. The jumble of gear is enough to make your head spin. But once you figure it out, traps & their uses are really not that complicated. Traps can be broken down into three basic types: Footholds, Body-grips, Hunting Snares. Each type is distinct from others & has its own unique purpose on the trapline.
"Foot Hold Traps "
Foothold traps have been around almost since trapping began. Through some are complex, all footholds operate on a simple premise: the target animal steps on a pan in the trap`s center, tripping the trigger & causing spring-loaded jaws to close & grip the animal's foot. Foothold traps are the most tradional, popular & effective trap used today. Every fur-bearing species can be caught with foothold traps& they come in a wide variety of shapes & sizes. The three main types of foothold traps are categorized by the springs that strengthen them. Long spring trapes are traditional footholds constructed with long, flat steel springs that power the jaws closed. Jump traps are powered by a single, short, flat steel spring situated underneath the jaws. Coil spring traps are a modern version of the jump trap, instead using coiled music wire springs to lift levers that power the jaws shut. Foothold traps have a wide variety of applications on the trapline, from catching marten in the wilds of Artic Alaska to bever trapping in the swamps of Louisiana & most places in between. One significant benefit of foothold traps is that, when used properly, they allow for the unharmed release of any non-target animals. Foothold traps are most common tool used to trap predators like foxes & coyotes & are commonly used in wildlife management applications. In fact, footholds have been critical to the success of numerous furbearer studies & relocation efforts by state & federal wildlife biologists throughout the country.
"Body-grip Traps "
The body-grip trap, often referred to as the Conibear, was revolutionized by the trapper Frank Conibear in the 1950`s . It was offered as an alternative to the foothold trap in situations where a quick humane kill of the captured animal was desired. The basic design of the trap includes two square jaws made of round steel in a box shaped design, powered by one or two springs of the same material. When springs are compressed, the jaws form a opening for an animal to enter, tripping a trigger in the opening when it travels through. The jaws then close shut, proving an almost instant kill. Because of their design body-grips traps are not useful in all situations, especially near civilization, where there`s potential to catch the neighbor's cat or dog. They are most commonly used in water trapping, particularly for Beaver, Mink & Muskrats, in the wilderness trapping far from the beaten path & in other situations when precautions are taken to avoid non-targets. The body grip trap was a truly an innovation that filled a need in trapping world & has greatly enhanced trappers' ability to address animal welfare issues & capture some furbearers far more effectively.
"Snares "
While it appears the simplest, the snare may be the most complex tool in the trapping arena. Type of cable & or wire, diameter, orientation, breaking strength, lock types, stops, swivels, breakaways & number of other components make snares incredibly customizable. If you know what you`re doing, you can create just the right snare for most any trapping situation. Snares can also be fairly controversial, due to their past reputation for catching non-target animals. But advancements in snare technology have made much of that controversy a thing of the past, & many states are expanding snaring opportunities for trappers who know how to use them correctly. For instance, snares once would catch the occasional deer. Using a stop that limits loop size closure eliminates a possible deer capture. When a large animal like a mountain lion or elk is captured, a breakaway allows them to power out of the snare, breaking it open & freeing them from capture. Tradional snares used to kill some non-target animals. Using a relaxing lock instead od kill type lock allows a snare to hold an animal gently, effectively rendering the snare something we now call a "Cable Restraint" In other situations where a quick kill is desired, springs & poles can be used to make that happen incredibly effectively. What was once a simple wire loop has now transformed into one of the most useful & adaptable tools at a trapper's disposal. Between footholds, body-grips & snares a trapper`s arsenal can seem pretty complex-& perhaps it needs to be. Like everything else, trapping has changed with the times. Advances in technology have continued to make traps more efficient & effective , helping trappers continue to responsibly harvest wild fur. If your looking to get into trapping, these advancements have made for a great set of tools to start your journey.