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5 Basic Survival Skills

Making Tea in Nature

Basic Survival Skill - Fire

Fire is the king of survival techniques?? fire can purify water, cook food, signal for rescue, provide warmth, light and comfort. It can also help in keeping predator's away at a distance and can definitely be a most welcome friend as a survival technique it is one that is essential. each and every person who ventures into the outdoors should definitely have a minimum of 2 ways to start a fire with them on their person at all times along with other gear.



Shelter is the survival technique by which that you protect your body from excess exposure to the sun, rain, cold, wind or snow anything that takes away or adds to your overall body temperature can be your enemy. clothing is your first line of shelter protection, having the right clothes for environment plus having a hat for protection is truly important keeping all clothing dry is the upmost importance in the outdoor environment. Practice building like a quick lean-to shelter but if nature provides you a shelter instead always choose the least exertive way to keep you from sweating to burn up to many calories you have to concentrate on keeping up your core temperature regulated.




Signaling is unique among survival techniques in that it gives you the means and ability to alert any and all potential rescuers that you are in need of help fire, flashing light, bright color markers, flags, mirrors, whistles can all help you to be found. Three fires in a triangular form are to be recognized as a distress signal always keep in mind is to bank your fires to prevent the surrounding areas around you from igniting using a signal mirror when you see a plane or people from a distance using a strobe type light can also help grab attention to people in the area also making a fire with much smoke also will grab attention from above and the ground area use ground signaling methods in open area like from rocks, signaling colored cloth or ribbon some that shows up in the back ground  as we know most search and rescue is from above.  


First Aid -


First aid as a survival technique is not just the basic medical needs it is the primary way in which you act to survive. NEVER PANIC, remain calm and do what you need to do to take care or the situation STOP, THINK, OBSERVE, and PLAN it is the most intelligent thing you can do when you realize that you are lost or stranded  the most important element is to keep your mind functioning rationally this is the basic first aid for survival . Analyz your needs before every trip create a medical check list and always carry a personal first aid kit with you at all times. Most survival situations may require only a type of dressing for small cuts, bruises and personal medication needs always always carry a or type of tourniquet and make sure you know how to use it properly many times the use of a knife, axe, etc. there could be a chance of hitting of a arterial vein is possible always paying attention on or around you safety is always priority and others around you.   




Food and  Water are vital to your survival. Ration you sweat not your water intake you could live up to 3 days without water never eat plants or insects that you don't know always assume that you will need extra food  and water when a trip is planned  pack energy bars and or candy of sort keep in pockets at all times always remember that water around the world  in creeks, mountains, jungles, streams you never know what is in it or has been in it take nothing for granite water has to be BOILED first to a rolling boil and then always take caution always try to filter out water if needed first try to carry some type of filtration system with you but keep in mind not all water filtration systems are not the same many out there do not filter out all chemicals or types of bacteria do your home work if choosing what is best for you and your needs there are many ways to filter out water   





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