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How to choose Bags for Camping
What is the difference between a camping and a backpacking bag? In general most bags offer plenty of room to move around in while backpacking bags are light & snug. If you'll be using one bag for both activities choose a backpacking style because you need to be light weight if you're going to carry it in a pack. In general campers want bags that offer ample room to Strech out and roll over which is why so many camping bags have a simple rectangular design. It is hard to predict if you feel a bag is roomy enough without zipping yourself inside a bag. So it is a good idea to go to a knowledgeable outdoor camping store to try different bags to see which style bags that might suit your needs sleeping bags come in many styles & shapes as a example: Rectangular, Semi rectangular, Mummy, Double bags, Kid size sleeping bags according to the industry the Mummy bag is the most popular shape it has a snug fit that tapers toward your feet, making it warmest option but it also can be restrictive compared to other shapes. Sleeping bags you need to look at choosing a sleeping bag insulation that fits your needs. Example: Synthetic Insulation Types key benefit is Affordable, Insulates when damp, Dries Fast, Non-allergenic. Down Insulation: Light Weight, Preforms well in cold, dry weather compresses small for easy packing it retains loft and warmth well over the years are just a few examples to look into definitely do your research on products that are out there on the market today always new technology is forever ending. Next is in a sleeping bag is the Temperature rating is the up most importance to wherever you camp. Because you can always unzip a bag that feels to warm, you should pick a sleeping bag with a lower temperature rating than the lowest night time temperature you expect where you plan to camp. If you use your bag into colder months of the year look at bags that can handle lower temperatures. Always be aware that temperature ratings which are based on a "Average Sleeper" mainly allow you to compare bags to one another. A wide range of other factors affect how you'll feel once you're outdoors. Your sleeping pad, what you wear when sleeping, humidity & wind plus your metabolism. Rember do your homework on all aspects of your needs in the outdoors.
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