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Importance of a Survival Attitude

Camping in the Woods

The most important survival skill is maintaining a level-headed mental attitude.  for responding Your state of mind is key to effectively assessing your situation & pointing you in the right direction for responding to the challenges at hand. Numerous studies have documented the devastating impacts of panic-stricken states during survival situations. When panicked, logical decision- making? can go out the window & persons are known to make irrational choices that often lead to their demise. To maintain an upright attitude, we recommend knowing your " Survival Priorities' "and using the SPEAR" approach. Stop. Plan. Execute. Assess. Surviving a difficult wilderness situation often requires meeting many challenges and not allowing yourself to be overwhelmed or panicked. To keep your mind and body occupied towards meeting your survival needs, remember the " SPEAR " Approach.  Stop - What you're doing & look around. Plan- Take stock of your supplies, surroundings, & situation figure out what you need to do first. Execute - Put your plan into action, engage in improving your situation. Assess - Periodically pause to access your progress and next steps. RE-evaluate ask if your actions are helping or hindering your survival? determine what your needs are next needs are.


Survival Priorities' The "Rule of Threes " helps us understand our survival priorities According to the Rule of Three`s 

Three hours exposed to the elements. Three days without water. Three weeks without food. This shows us the most important survival priority is shelter from the elements, then water, and lastly food. The rules of 3 is also supported by the fact that most people perish from either exposure to the elements (hypothermia} or lack of water (dehydration). By knowing that the 2 most pressing survival needs are shelter & water, you are able to focus your energies towards meeting those needs. By systematically assessing, planning, and executing your activities, you will help keep your mind and body actively engaged in addressing your situation. This will greatly aid in avoiding panic and other negative states of mind. By upholding an upright attitude, your chances are greatly improved.!

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